Big thanks to gamnark for coming back to finish this one off!
Episode 6 looks to be the last one, as there has not been an Ep7 in over four years.
I’ll be releasing a batch with new encodes for 1-3 at some point, hopefully…
05: 720p Hi10P
06: 720p Hi10P

Ghost of Christmas Past here. Here’s something that should have been released a while ago, but got lost somewhere between muxing and releasing:
First, big thanks to the anonymous donor who bought and ripped this DVD for me many, many years ago. The DVD mastering was pretty bad (how the hell do you have haloing and rainbowing in a black and white anime?), so cleaning this up was fun. TV airings looked better, but I only had TV raws for a couple of episodes, so DVD is the only complete option.
Episodes 1-8 include a few script changes, while episodes 9-14 are new.
Second half of the series (16-30) whenever I get around to it. The show’s Facebook/Twitter haven’t been updated in years, and the show’s website no longer exists, so I think it’s safe to assume that there isn’t going to be a Volume 2.
The Ghost of Christmas Present might have something in a few days. (Yeah right)
The Ghost of Christmas Future is still MIA.
01-15: 480p H264

Yes, Episode 14 is a thing: 第14話「西の方のトンネル」(出演:板尾創路、増本庄一郎)
Aired right after Ep13 on TV Tokyo. It’s based off of Ep2, but with different VAs (a couple of Osaka-area comedians) and changed up dialog. Since the official site lists it as a standalone episode, I’m doing the same.
And this is where our journey comes to an end. Unfortunately, I can’t get a hold of any good video sources with correct framerate for the sequel seasons. S4+ can be obtained from Crunchyroll/Horriblesubs.
Big thanks to WhyNot? for all their help for these three seasons. Expect a S1-S3 batch Soon™.
13: 720p Hi10P
14: 720p Hi10P

Finale. Thanks for watching!
The OP2 single comes out on October 2nd 9th (did it just get delayed?). We’ll be waiting to see if scans appear, so that we can make any corrections before we batch this up. I haven’t seen anyone upload a BDMV for Vol1 yet, and since product listings don’t indicate any sort of bonus episode, I have no intention of importing.
Still unsure if/what we’ll do next season.
If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.
24: 720p Hi10P
25: 720p Hi10P

Here’s the batches for the entire series.
It seems that they made some minor changes to scene lengths, as most of the episodes needed different amounts of shifting (and further adjustments afterwards).
I gave everything a QC run and fixed a bunch of timing/line editing (surprised I missed them back in 2013).
Additionally, I standardized the character names to reflect the official romanizations (Chouro, Delcha, etc).
After 5 years, I can finally can cross this show off my backlog 🙂
• 1080p Hi10P w/ Surround Sound FLAC + Stereo AAC:
For the best quality. Episodes are around 380MB each. (AAC was only ~7MB/ep so I included it anyway)
• 720p Hi10P w/ Stereo AAC:
For those who just want to watch the show in good enough quality. Roughly 150MB/ep.
1080p Hi10P FLAC — 720p Hi10P AAC

Expect 24 & 25 on the weekend of the 22nd.
Apparently the show’s producers had a contest to design a character for the show, who will be making her debut in ep25. Since she doesn’t appear in the manga, don’t take her appearance as a hint that there will be another season. She’s exclusive to the anime.
Looking ahead to next season, a few shorts have caught my eye, but I’m not sure if I’ll pick one up. Might just focus on some backlog. We’ll see.
If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.
22: 720p Hi10P
23: 720p Hi10P

Delays brought to you by vacation (part 2) and some RPi projects I wanted to work on.
22 & 23 this weekend, 24 & 25 probably the weekend of the 22nd.
BD Vol1 was released about a week ago. I haven’t seen it uploaded to the usual places yet, but I’ll be keeping an eye out.
At the moment, I don’t plan on importing either volume, since there doesn’t seem to be any bonus episodes.
If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.
20: 720p Hi10P
21: 720p Hi10P

At long last, the final episode in this series. This bonus episode was not available on any platform prior to the complete series BD, which I imported shortly before I died. Now that I’m back, it’s time to finish this up.
For now, I’m releasing this episode by itself. I’ve done BD encodes for the rest of the series, and will get around to updating the scripts for the other episodes Soon™. If there were any mistakes that I might have missed, please let me know!
The BD looks really good, and even has surround-sound audio, so I’ll be doing two batches:
• 1080p Hi10P w/ Surround Sound FLAC + Stereo AAC:
For the best quality. Episodes are between 350MB-400MB. (AAC was only ~7MB/ep so I included it anyway)
• 720p Hi10P w/ Stereo AAC:
For those who just want to watch the show in good enough quality. Mostly around 150MB.
13 OVA: 720p Hi10P

The next couple of episodes are definitely going to be late.
If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.
19: 720p Hi10P

19 might be a few days late, depends how busy work is tomorrow.
If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.
17: 720p Hi10P
18: 720p Hi10P
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