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Shokupan Mimi – 01-15

February 14th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

This took WAY longer than it should have.
There really isn’t much to say about the show itself. Each episode is just a 30 second short about the daily life of a piece of bread named Mimi, and some of her friends and family. AniDBMAL

For those curious about the resolution, I had to find a good middle ground between the episodes with good video sources, and those with bad video sources. While I was fortunate to find a transport stream for one episode (ep7), I had to make use of webstreams of various quality for the rest of the episodes, and they all had various problems that I tried to address (lots of ghosting in 1-6, video artifacts and ear-cancer audio in 8-10, lots of combing in 15).

Anyway, enjoy the show! Be sure to check the “Notices” section as well!

I’ll get the next two Kobato Specials out this week, followed by Ayakashi Mangatan this weekend.

Technical Information:
Video: 704×400 H264 CRF16
Audio: AAC 2.0
Subs: Migoto
Note: Webstream raws used due to lack of TV raws.


Categories: Shokupan Mimi
  1. Jen
    February 14th, 2012 at 16:08 | #1

    I’ve never heard of this, but that picture is so cute that my mouse just found its way over to the download link 😛 thank you for sharing! 😀

  2. plague1ftw
    February 22nd, 2012 at 03:21 | #2

    Is this still ongoing or completed?

    • February 22nd, 2012 at 10:19 | #3

      I’m pretty sure that this is complete. 1-14 were posted on the official Shokupan Mimi Youtube Channel over a year ago, and 15 was posted 3 months ago as a DVD promo.

  3. Yae
    March 1st, 2012 at 19:56 | #4

    I am glad you took the time to sub this one. Look forward to watching it. Are there only 15 episodes? I see MAL has it listed as unknown as far as how many episodes. Anyway, thanks again and love lots of your mini series so far…keep up the great work.

    • March 1st, 2012 at 20:07 | #5

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure that 15 is the final number. After 1-14 aired, they started rotating the episodes that were streaming on the official website (1-4 for a week, then 2-5 for a week, etc.). That went on for half a year and stopped after Episode 15 was posted (which was about 4 months ago), as a sort of “DVD Promotion”. Since then, the official website hasn’t been updated, and they have stopped rotating the episode streams.

      Of course, I’d love to be proven wrong, but as it stands, I do not believe that there are any more episodes.

  4. Yae
    March 1st, 2012 at 21:39 | #6

    I should have read the previous post before asking but nevertheless, thanks for replying and answering my question. ^^ If I find anything out, will pass the info on to you.

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