Home > Uncategorized > Homeless Child Remy – 20

Homeless Child Remy – 20

February 2nd, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

Nearing the end!

Technical Information:
Video: 640×480 H264
Audio: AAC 2.0
Subs: Takara-Migoto

TorrentDirect Download

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. jethre
    February 4th, 2013 at 02:44 | #1

    Thanks!! Can’t wait for the other eps.. was this a 26 or 23 episode anime??

  2. Keiichi
    February 7th, 2013 at 08:09 | #3

    Somehow the list on AniDB.net has still not been updated yet and I got confused about the right order of the last episodes because in aniDB you wrote the CRC of your ep17 (included in your torrent) to ep16 and so on. I hope your torrents here contain the correct CRC.

    • February 7th, 2013 at 12:11 | #4

      Just ran a CRC check. All of the files check out.

      AniDB is listing the episodes in original broadcast order. The original broadcast was shortened (for unknown reasons) and episodes 16, 19, and 20 were not aired.
      We’re numbering the episodes in the DVD/VHS and subsequent re-broadcast order, which includes the missing episodes 16, 19, and 20, in the correct, chronological order.

      AniDB’s list is kinda confusing because of the order they’re following, so I’d advise you to just follow our order.

      • Rokuro
        February 9th, 2013 at 04:02 | #5

        What RTM said. When adding the files to AniDB I was forced to add those 3 eps as specials, since that’s how AniDB lists them. Our release order is the chronological one.

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