Hipira-kun – 08
I’ll be all caught up with this show next week, as Episodes 11 and 12 won’t air until late March April.
Recruiting translators and cappers! Contact me via e-mail or IRC if you’re interested in helping out!
Technical Information:
Video: 1280×720 Hi10P / 848×480 H264
Audio: AAC @ 252 / AAC @ 192
Subs: Sakitty
720p Hi10P — 480p H264 — Direct Download
Categories: Uncategorized
Omg, I never thought these episodes would ever surface let alone get subbed. Awesome that you’re doing it 🙂 I loved the original show! So thanks a lot.
How is Plastic Nee-san coming along btw, I’m still super looking forward to it 😉
The Plastic Nee-san BD combined all of the mini-episodes into one long OVA. The webstreamed episodes 1-6, as well as a new episode 7, are already done. 8-12 and the extended OP/ED are still being worked on. Translator has been busy with real life.