Home > Kaitou Reinya > Kaitou Reinya – 11

Kaitou Reinya – 11

Translator is busy with other stuff today, so Ketsuekigata-kun probably won’t be out for a couple more days.

Sparrow’s Hotel should be out tomorrow, though.

Recruiting translators! Contact me via e-mail or IRC if you’re interested in helping out!

Technical Information:
Video: 1280×720 / 848×480 H264
Audio: AAC 2.0 @ 192kbps
Subs: Crunchyroll (Modified)

720p480pDirect Download

Categories: Kaitou Reinya
  1. pepperoni
    April 9th, 2013 at 02:41 | #1

    Migoto, may want to get your status to trusted (green) over at Nyaa. There’s an individual in the chat-box at Nyaa torrents going emo / mad his/her torrents have been deleted by a mod due to providing DDL for non-trusted (white) torrents.

    A mod is deleting torrents that are providing such DDL so your torrents may become deleted due to this emo guy. Word of warning.

    • April 9th, 2013 at 03:11 | #2

      Thanks for the tip. I’ve been meaning to ask them about getting trusted, but now that my stuff is being flagged, I guess I should do it now.

      Edit: Done and done! I’ll have to thank Shades-San when I see him. 😛

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