Home > Uncategorized > Sparrow’s Hotel – 11

Sparrow’s Hotel – 11

Still busy with some real-life obligations. These past few weeks it was major vehicle problems, this week it’s moving to a new apartment. I just can’t seem to catch much of a break.

Saipu, Ketsuekigata-kun, and everything else will be done when they’re done. I’ll have a more detailed Summer 2013 plan post out sometime next week.

Technical Information:
Video: 1280×720 Hi10P / 848×480 H264
Audio: AAC 2.0 @ 192kbps
Subs: Crunchyroll (Modified)

720p Hi10P480p H264Direct Download

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Kasper
    June 19th, 2013 at 04:34 | #1

    Much appreciated, Satou-san is awesome xD This series has been entertaining.

  2. Kabuto
    June 19th, 2013 at 11:45 | #2

    Thanks for all your hard work! Here’s hoping you’ll be able to clear some backlog before you tackle new summer projects! So much to work on, so little time to be able to.

  3. RTM
    June 19th, 2013 at 12:46 | #3


    Basically, I won’t be picking up any new Summer 2013 shorts. Almost all the shorts airing are sequel seasons that I didn’t do the earlier seasons of.
    So, I’ll be focusing on backlog and shorts from previous seasons. A more detailed post about everything will be out next week.

  4. Kabuto
    June 19th, 2013 at 15:00 | #4

    Gotcha. I’m a little behind on the season scheduling, but good to know that they are series that you weren’t planning on doing.

  5. anonymous
    June 20th, 2013 at 19:05 | #5

    Thank you so much!

  6. macxxx007
    June 25th, 2013 at 20:36 | #6


    Thanks so much for the episode!


    Have a great night!