Home > Uncategorized > Akkun to Kanojo – 09 & 10

Akkun to Kanojo – 09 & 10

Damn credits covering up Nontan.

If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.

09: 720p Hi10P
10: 720p Hi10P

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Sparky Kestrel
    June 9th, 2018 at 01:05 | #1

    Is the Hipira-kun BD ever going to get done?
    At least PLEASE put out the episode 13, as that has never ever been released anywhere ever before.

  2. RTM
    June 9th, 2018 at 01:44 | #2

    Yep, there’s a translator working on Ep13, no ETA though. Whenever it gets done, I plan on releasing it standalone @ 720p. 1080p will come in a batch with the rest of the series.