Home > Akkun to Kanojo > Akkun to Kanojo – 24 & 25

Akkun to Kanojo – 24 & 25

September 26th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

Finale. Thanks for watching!

The OP2 single comes out on October 2nd 9th (did it just get delayed?). We’ll be waiting to see if scans appear, so that we can make any corrections before we batch this up. I haven’t seen anyone upload a BDMV for Vol1 yet, and since product listings don’t indicate any sort of bonus episode, I have no intention of importing.

Still unsure if/what we’ll do next season.

If anyone’s interested in translating some short bonus OVAs, shoot me an email (migoto[at]protonmail.com) or PM me on IRC.

24: 720p Hi10P
25: 720p Hi10P

Categories: Akkun to Kanojo
  1. Kuromii
    October 5th, 2018 at 15:50 | #1

    I’ll buy the BDs if no one else does by the end of November.

    Thank you for doing this!

  2. RTM
    October 7th, 2018 at 23:05 | #2

    Nice! If you’re willing to rip them, please shoot me an email.