Home > Chiisana Ojisan > Chiisana Ojisan – 01-15

Chiisana Ojisan – 01-15

December 24th, 2019 Leave a comment Go to comments

Ghost of Christmas Past here. Here’s something that should have been released a while ago, but got lost somewhere between muxing and releasing:

First, big thanks to the anonymous donor who bought and ripped this DVD for me many, many years ago. The DVD mastering was pretty bad (how the hell do you have haloing and rainbowing in a black and white anime?), so cleaning this up was fun. TV airings looked better, but I only had TV raws for a couple of episodes, so DVD is the only complete option.

Episodes 1-8 include a few script changes, while episodes 9-14 are new.

Second half of the series (16-30) whenever I get around to it. The show’s Facebook/Twitter haven’t been updated in years, and the show’s website no longer exists, so I think it’s safe to assume that there isn’t going to be a Volume 2.

The Ghost of Christmas Present might have something in a few days. (Yeah right)

The Ghost of Christmas Future is still MIA.

01-15: 480p H264

Categories: Chiisana Ojisan
  1. Enamelthyst
    December 24th, 2019 at 21:15 | #1

    BLESS YOU tiny angel. I loved this show and have been waiting for more for years. Thank you so much, and you’re guaranteed to win internets whenever you get around to releasing the second half.

  2. MantasB
    December 25th, 2019 at 01:44 | #2

    Merry Christmas.

  3. thecowgoesmoo
    December 26th, 2019 at 13:48 | #3

    It’s a Christmas miracle!

    Did you get the rip five years ago, by chance?

  4. December 26th, 2019 at 15:17 | #4

    Whoa, thank you! It’s too late for Christmas wishes, so instead I wish you a happy and fulfilling New Year!

  5. RTM
    December 27th, 2019 at 00:09 | #5

    @thecowgoesmoo – Yeah, looks like it was back in 2014. (Damn, has it been 5 years already?!)
    Unfortunately I can’t remember who originally bought and ripped it for me, as my old email account has since been deleted. If the Anonymous Donor who ripped this for me way back in 2014 is still out there, thanks again for the raw!

    @SStefania – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! 🙂