
Archive for the ‘SuzakiNishi’ Category

SuzakiNishi The Animation – 02

August 19th, 2015 8 comments

Heyyy finally! Typesetting took some time, but luckily 3+ has very little in terms of signage.

02: 720p Hi10P

Categories: SuzakiNishi

SuzakiNishi The Animation – 01

July 19th, 2015 10 comments

Joint with the fine folks over at Sliderbreak (Koinuri & Period). I saw their call for a capper/encoder, so here I am!

Koinuri: TL
Period: Time, Edit, TS
RTM: Cap, Encode, QC, Distro

Using Tokyo MX because I have multiple .ts sources for it, SUN is lolSUN, and I don’t know anyone who gets KTK.

01: 720p Hi10P

Categories: SuzakiNishi